I believe we generally leverage the convolution tools in `scipy.ndimage`. On a high level, the scikit-image project is an extension toolkit for SciPy so we generally* don't reinvent the wheel.

* there are always exceptions.

On Wednesday, April 10, 2013 6:13:52 AM UTC-5, abid rahman wrote:
Doesn't scikit-image has a 2d convolution function like cv2.filter2D in OpenCV which enables convolution of an image (or any numpy array) with custom kernel ?

On Tuesday, 9 April 2013 22:10:26 UTC+5:30, abid rahman wrote:

I would like to add a feature on histogram backprojection as proposed by Swain & Michael J. in their paper "Indexing via color histograms".. Earlier, I had written a simple article on that ( it was focussed for OpenCV) in my blog : http://opencvpython.blogspot.in/2013/03/histograms-4-back-projection.html.

I can have some simple modification to it to integrate it into scikit-image. So I would like to know the opinion of senior developers on this proposal.

Abid K.