Hi. I have just made a pull request with wu's circle generation (one of the "Requested features"). It has nothing to do with the proposed project, but now I can build skimage and understand how to commit my changes. Circle images are attached to this post. вторник, 30 апреля 2013 г., 4:33:48 UTC+4 пользователь Stefan van der Walt написал:
Hi Fedor
On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 12:54 AM, Fedor Morozov <f-mo...@ya.ru<javascript:>> wrote:
My name is Fedor Morozov and I am a 2nd year computer science student in Moscow State University.
Thanks for getting in touch!
What do you think about such project? I guess, it's rather ambitious, yet it is diverse, interesting and will keep me from slacking. If some of the mentioned ideas get separate projects, they can be adopted during summer.
Nathan Faggian has done some work towards registration in pyimreg, and what we discovered is that it is fairly hard to come up with a good API. Perhaps you can have a look at that code and give us your feedback? Registration would be a very useful feature to have in skimage.
Perhaps we could start with something simple: compare Harris features with a robust matching algorithm such as RANSAC to find alignment with a simple error measure (there is a PR for RANSAC by @ahojnnes). Once aligned, perform Laplacian or other blending. If that works, one can focus on adding other feature detectors, multi-resolution matching, different error measures, optimization based approaches, etc. There may be some code in https://github.com/stefanv/supreme that we can re-use, or we can simply start from scratch.
Eventually, I am also interested in non-rigid registration, registration of voxel data, etc.
Registration / blending is an immense topic that can very easily cover an entire GSoC.