I am pretty much a beginner in Python and scikit-image.
Thank you for all the great resources!
I am using sci-kit image for a hobby project involving images of medieval illuminated manuscripts.
Here is my question:
How do I save images like I see -- in many of your examples, in matplotlib?
For example:
I have some test scripts that successfully save using skimage.io.imsave.
But the results like in the examples above don't save the color; and/or the results are very dark (like mostly or all black-looking). I also get a lot of warnings about lossy-ness.
I've tried a number of things, including matplot's saving methods. But the results are still what I've described.
Any help on this would be super-appreciated!
PS I can also save what I see pop up when running a script, hitting the disk symbol and saving. But as you probably know, the results not only have the axes and words and such, but they also are very small and poor resolution (though I'm not confident "resolution" is the right term).