Hi Neil On Sat, 08 Feb 2014 22:15:24 -0800, Neil wrote:
I saw your tweet, and I may be able to help with an industry application. At BT Imaging (http://www.btimaging.com/) we do photoluminescent imaging of silicon wafers. We use skimage for image processing (along with the other usual suspects, such as OpenCV, scipy.ndimage, cython, etc). What sort of information would you need? I wouldn't be able to give any low-level details of our algorithms, but perhaps some screenshots of the input & output. Let me know, and I'll run it past the CEO.
If you have a result that made significant use of skimage, then a picture of that result with a description of what it depicts, as well as the role skimage played, would be perfect. We do not need to know the exact details of the algorithm. Thanks very much for offering to help! Stéfan