I has build the networt, look tips 2. imagepy is not a function library, but a interactive framework witch can wrap numpy, scipy, scikitimage, opencv as a friendly.software. by another, please donot save picture as jpg. the dct transform may destroy the high frequent information.



-------- 原始邮件 --------

发件人:Leena Chourey
时    间:2017年5月18日 13:30(星期四)
收件人:imagepy@sina.com Mailing list for scikit-image (http://scikit-image.org)
主题:Re: [scikit-image] 回复: Need help to get graph from image

Thanks YXDragon for quick reply. 
  1. Yes I have tried skeletonisation but hanged for further processing. hope the links u have sent will help to resolve.
  2. Wow.. great. that is exactly I need and done partially. Can u pls explain the 1.jpg--->2.jpg--->3.jpg. I want exactly the same 3.jpg (junction points). Can i call imagepy in my python script and get the o/p of it for further processing?
  3. Is it possible to convert directly image to graph data structure?

On Thu, May 18, 2017 at 10:42 AM, <imagepy@sina.com> wrote:
1. you can do a skeleton, then use a np.ones((3,3)) to convolve. then 3 means junction, one means termin. 2 means path.
2. trace from a termin. iterate all the pixel > 0. and add node if != 2!

some tips:
1. if you do skeleton straightly, you will get some small branch, you can remove them by graph analysis. but I have a tip, you can do a gauss blur, then threshold again. this will smooth the binary image.
2. trace the path is not very simple, you need care many detail... you can look mine.
3. the scikit-image's skeleton method prefers to generate branch (sometimes we want, but here we need not), you can look here.

you can have a try my project imagery do some test. which can wrap scikit-image like photoshop!
(but I do not know if scikit-image has a method to build the skeleton)

My English is solo, forgive me.
YXDragon - ImagePy


-------- 原始邮件 --------

发件人:Leena Chourey

时    间:2017年5月18日 12:05(星期四)


主题:[scikit-image] Need help to get graph from image

Dear All,

I need to convert shape based image(graph_search2.jpg) into graph and then graph data structure. I have tried to filter the image and then with threshold, contour based approach access shapes(nodes), lines(edges) and arrows. but facing difficulty in getting relation b/w nodes and edges. Please help to find interest point(interest_points.jpg) and relation in node n edges.


Thanks & Regards, -धन्यवाद

Leena Chourey , लीना चौरे 

C-DAC Mumbai सी-डैक, मुम्बई 


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Thanks & Regards, -धन्यवाद
Leena Chourey , लीना चौरे 
C-DAC Mumbai सी-डैक, मुम्बई