CIE-L*ab = 48.000 -14.000 25.000
RGB 0-255 = 105.30 119.53 70.87
RGB 0-0.1 = 0.41293 0.46875 0.27791
XYZ = 13.654 16.794 8.461
Illuminant = D65So Ryan was correct to say the values are scaled between 0 and 1 (I was using the wrong row in my re-conversion to 0 to 255 scale)
Observer = 2° (1931)
This is the 1st time I've come across RGB scaled to 0 and 1. Is its common in python and does the other scikit-image functions handle the 0 -1 scaled values or should I work with 0 to 255 values to be safe?
I'm not sure what illuminant colormine uses but if you multiple by 255 you get 151,154,141 which it getting closer to what I expect (greenish colour) with 105,119,70 still being much closer
On Mon, 27 Mar 2017, 14:22 Ryan Anderson, <> wrote:It looks to me as if lab2rgb is returning colors scaled as floats between 0 and 1 while is returning 8 bit integers scaled 0-255.Try multiplying by 255 and comparing the outputs.On Mar 27, 2017 7:02 AM, "Michael O'Brien" <> wrote:_______________________________________________
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