Dear Mark, On Fri, 14 Jun 2013 02:36:39 -0700 (PDT) Marc de Klerk <> wrote:
I cloned the repo and tried running, Seems there are a couple bugs in that prevent it from executing properly.
This is highly possible: we still have a small differences in the number of keypoints with C++ implementation. moreover the keypoint localization can vary up to 1 pixel (to be multiplied by the number of octave). This looks like a rounding error but we did not spot it.
Is there an example somewhere that I can play with/ get the reference implementation:
git clone -branch numpy git:// cd imageAlignment python build sudo python install #or modify your PYTHONPATH cd .. git clone git:// cd sift_pyocl/test python # I got (failures=2, errors=2, mainly because API changed faster than tests) python This should show you keypoints (red and blue arrows represents the orientation and the scale, in green are our errors) Tell me if you are doing progress (or not). Cheers, -- Jérôme Kieffer <>