Hi Emmanuelle On Sat, May 28, 2011 at 3:05 PM, Emmanuelle Gouillart <emmanuelle.gouillart@normalesup.org> wrote:
I finally found some time to do some polishing on the TV denoising code that Maël had written a while ago. I added a new module to my branch https://github.com/emmanuelle/scikits.image/tree/tv_denoise (https://github.com/emmanuelle/scikits.image/blob/tv_denoise/scikits/image/fi...).
I'd like to have your opinion on how the code could be improved before a pull request.
The code looks great. Two minor things: a) let's move the tests into tests/test_tv_denoise.py b) Document the input dtype--currently data needs to be in floating point format--should it be in [0,1]? This is not quite clear. Thanks for taking the time to do this! Cheers Stéfan