On 29-Sep-09, at 2:24 PM, Ralf Gommers wrote:
On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 11:14 AM, Sebastian Haase <seb.haase@gmail.com>wrote:
Hi Sebastian, this is very useful functionality for me as well.
The question I have is if your patched PIL includes fixes for 16-bit images. Right now I'm using a patched PIL kindly provided to me by Zachary Pincus that fixes 16-bit issues. I saw that some improvements for 16-bit were included in PIL trunk but not his patches. Your patch is included it seems, so I could also run PIL trunk if someone can confirm that 16-bit TIF images work. I'd prefer Priithon though because then I could stop asking my users to compile PIL themselves...
I've been following this discussion somewhat and I wanted to point out that (as far as I can remember) image I/O free of PIL dependence was one of the stated goals of the image scikit. I'm not sure much progress has been made on that front yet. It seems that common requirements not being met by PIL are a) full support for multipage TIFF (loading, creating, saving) b) 16-bit multipage TIFF Rather than monkeypatching PIL four ways from Sunday, maybe it would be best to direct efforts towards building a PIL-free alternative? Incorporation of very specific code from PIL shouldn't be an issue given that PIL is quite liberally licensed. David (P.S. I'm CCing the scikits-image list as well, should you want to join it, etc.)