This is a good idea, and image sequences will definitely be useful for movies. However, I'm not sure that scivi should be a gwenview-like "gallery" image viewer, but rather a scientific visualization toolkit.. I'd definitely want movie sequences to be handled (as a sequence of image files, not necessarily .avi, but we could have script to convert from/to ), but I don't really see how the "gallery of images" feature might be useful? On the contrary, something that might be useful is this: often when doing experiments, you try lots of parameters on the same image, and you have a metric for the result. Say for instance, that you have 2 parameters taking values in [0,1]² and you have a metric taking values in [0,1], then you could sample points in the grid, use your algorithm with the sampled parameters, and show the grid as dots (position: parameters, color/size is metric) and when clicking on the dot, it might show the corresponding filtered image. This might prove nice for algorithm exploration