On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 2:44 AM, Chris Colbert <sccolbert@gmail.com> wrote:
For the cvUndistort2, you could change line 2194 to call assert_same_shape() which lives in opencv.opencv_backend.pyx
Looks like the two arrays are Nx3 and Nx2 respectively, so I just checked the lengths.
Ditto for line 2541 in cvFindFundamentalMat. Could you elaborate on this comment:? + ## The code snippet below creates the ``status`` matrix + ## that may optionally be provided. I could not get this + ## to work with OpenCV 2.1.
I construct the `status` array and send it as the last parameter to cvFindFundamentalMat. It passes the internal shape check, but fails *another* shape check later on. I think this might be a bug in OpenCV, or maybe there is something I don't understand. If you just uncomment the code snippet, and change the NULL to accept cvstatus, you'll see what I mean. Regards Stéfan