Hi Jeff,

Firstly, what's with all the trailing underscores? Makes my brain hurt. =)

Second, this is *somewhat* of a known issue. See:

(Including the notebook link from that issue.)

As you can see, PR 1096 made some improvements, but I suspect not enough to solve your problem. Are you on master or on 0.10?

Additionally, regionprops works through a "cached-property" pattern, which means that each value is computed once, and then stored for later retrieval. So your second region[0] call is probably hitting the cached value, hence the massive speedup!

As to the specific problem of why your calculation is so much faster, my guess right now is that it's because of Python function call overhead: while you are computing everything directly, have a look at the regionprops code: first, you have to go through the cached-property pattern (1 call), check whether the cache is active (2 calls), check whether it's been computed before (3 calls), decide to compute it (4 calls), compute the bbox (another travel through cached-property), then compute the "local" centroid (relative to current bbox), within that compute the moments (another cached-property), and *finally* compute the actual centroid.

We're not doing any computations differently, but that is a *heck* of a lot of overhead for such a simple computation. I'd never followed this full path before, so thanks for pointing it out! A PR to improve this situation would be most welcome! (Bonus points for improving 3D support in the process.)

Probably not quite the quick fix you were hoping for, but I hope this helps nonetheless!


On Sat, Nov 15, 2014 at 2:27 AM, jeff witz <witzjean@gmail.com> wrote:

I'm developing a video extensometer based on the identification of center of mass of circular white mark on  a black rubber specimen.

In order to deal with data in real time I have to be fast (over 100 fps). So I first identify the Zones Of Interests using this example :

Then I compute the center of mass on each ZOI.

As I have a fast camera the ZOI between two successive images doesn't  change much. So if I extend the bounding box of my current ZOI I could be pretty confident in the fact that given circular mark in the next picture will be in the extended ZOI and the recompute an updated extened ZOI for the next image.

So this is the big picture.

You will find bellow the function I use in order to get it  :
def barycenter(image_,minx_,miny_,maxx_,maxy_,thresh_,border_):
return Px_,Py_,minx_,miny_,maxx_,maxy_
As you can see I don't use region[0].centroid. I compute the moment myself

if I time my function on a 141x108 ZOI I get 504 µs

If I time this function :

def barycenter2(image_,minx_,miny_,maxx_,maxy_,thresh_,border_):
return Px_,Py_,minx_,miny_,maxx_,maxy_

I get 10ms per loop !

What is really strange is if I time :

%timeit region[0].centroid
 I get 58.6 ns per loop !

So I don't really understand why this time explose when I use it in a function ?

If someone have some insight it will be very helpfull. Even If I can use my first function, it's a pity to have to use less optimized functions.

Best regards.

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