Thanks for the quick reply.
I will give a shot at random fraction of all points but I have a feeling that it's not going to get it under one second.
It makes sense why it's taking so much time.


On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 2:58 AM, François Boulogne <> wrote:

> 1. Is it possible to get the time taken for ellipse detection to under
> a second?
> 2. Are there any suggestions for improving the execution time?
It's coded in cython, so it's pretty optimized and Johannes helped me on
that. I think it's pretty well optimized.

You are trying to find a point is a space with 5 dimensions, so it takes
The time directly depends on the number of (let's say black) points in
your binary image. If you have a lot of points, you may try to reduce
the quantity. I never tried so far, but it probably works if you take
randomly a fraction of all your points. The peak in the 5D space will be
smaller and perhaps wider, but depending on the fraction, you may find a


François Boulogne.
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