Hi, Is it possible to skeletonize a binary 2D shape such that its skeleton is defined on a neighbourhood of 8 pixels? When skeletonizing with : *morphology.medial_axis()* , I tried two structuring elements (se8 or se4) as mask : se8 = np.array([[True,True,True],[True,True,True],[True,True,True]]) se4 = np.array([[False,True,False],[True,True,True],[False,True,False]]) imK = makeLetterImage('K', 70) skel = *morphology.medial_axis*(imK,mask=se8) Ep_Bp, Bp_Bp, Bp, Ep = SkeletonDecomposition(skel) The skeletons returned using se8 or se4 are very similar and look defined on a neighbourhood of 4 pixels (left). To me, this is a problem when trying to label the skeleton edges (right). <https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-curcY_g5N9A/U5BfJdpe6yI/AAAAAAAAB0w/1PbxF...> Jean-Patrick <https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-curcY_g5N9A/U5BfJdpe6yI/AAAAAAAAB0w/1PbxF...>