Hi Chris Sorry for the delayed response; your message was stuck in Google Groups moderation. On Jun 30, 7:00 am, Chris Ball <ceb...@gmail.com> wrote:
Some time ago, there was a thread about what color spaces to include in scikits.image:http://groups.google.com/group/scikits-image/browse_thread/thread/4b4...
I wonder if you would be interested in seeing more color space conversions being added to the colorconv.py module, or if you are deliberately keeping it simple? For instance, I would like to add conversions to and from CIE LAB, and to allow alternative white points.
We are definitely interested in building out the colour space manipulation. Chris (Colbert) and I have been discussing the best way to improve the speed of these conversions, and it may be that we'll simply rewrite them in Cython. Regards Stéfan
participants (1)
Stefan van der Walt