We're happy to (finally) announce the release of scikit-image v0.13.0! Special thanks to all our contributors who made this possible. Linux and macOS wheels are available now on PyPI, as well as a source distribution. A conda-forge package, Windows wheels, and Debian packages should arrive in the coming days. scikit-image is an image processing toolbox for SciPy that includes algorithms for segmentation, geometric transformations, color space manipulation, analysis, filtering, morphology, feature detection, and more. For more information, examples, and documentation, please visit our website: http://scikit-image.org and our gallery of examples http://scikit-image.org/docs/dev/auto_examples/ Highlights ---------- This release is the result of a year of work, with over 200 pull requests by 82 contributors. Highlights include: - Improved n-dimensional image support. This release adds nD support to: * ``regionprops`` computation for centroids (#2083) * ``segmentation.clear_border`` (#2087) * Hessian matrix (#2194, #2327) - In addition, the following new functions support nD images: * new wavelet denoising function, ``restoration.denoise_wavelet`` (#1833, #2190, #2238, #2240, #2241, #2242, #2462) * new thresholding functions, ``filters.threshold_sauvola`` and ``filters.threshold_niblack`` (#2266, #2441) * new local maximum, local minimum, hmaxima, hminima functions (#2449) - Grey level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) now works with uint16 images - ``filters.try_all_threshold`` to rapidly see output of various thresholding methods - Frangi and Hessian filters (2D only) (#2153) - New *compact watershed* algorithm in ``segmentation.watershed`` (#2211) - New *shape index* algorithm in ``feature.shape_index`` (#2312) New functions and features -------------------------- - Add threshold minimum algorithm (#2104) - Implement mean and triangle thresholding (#2126) - Add Frangi and Hessian filters (#2153) - add bbox_area to region properties (#2187) - colorconv: Add rgba2rgb() (#2181) - Lewiner marching cubes algorithm (#2052) - image inversion (#2199) - wavelet denoising (from #1833) (#2190) - routine to estimate the noise standard deviation from an image (#1837) - Add compact watershed and clean up existing watershed (#2211) - Added the missing 'grey2rgb' function. (#2316) - Shape index (#2312) - Fundamental and essential matrix 8-point algorithm (#1357) - Add YUV, YIQ, YPbPr, YCbCr colorspaces - Detection of local extrema from morphology (#2449) - shannon entropy (#2416) Documentation improvements -------------------------- - add details about github SSH keys in contributing page (#2073) - Add example for felzenszwalb image segmentation (#2096) - Sphinx gallery for example gallery (#2078) - Improved region boundary RAG docs (#2106) - Add gallery Lucy-Richardson deconvolution algorithm (#2376) - Gallery: Use Horse to illustrate Convex Hull (#2431) - Add working with OpenCV in user guide (#2519) Code improvements ----------------- - Remove lena image from test suite (#1985) - Remove duplicate mean calculation in skimage.feature.match_template (#1980) - Add nD support to clear_border (#2087) - Add uint16 images support for co-occurrence matrix (#2095) - Add default parameters for Gaussian and median filters (#2151) - try_all to choose the best threshold algorithm (#2110) - Add support for multichannel in Felzenszwalb segmentation (#2134) - Improved SimilarityTransform, new EuclideanTransform class (#2044) - ENH: Speed up Hessian matrix computation (#2194) - add n-dimensional support to denoise_wavelet (#2242) - Speedup ``inpaint_biharmonic`` (#2234) - Update hessian matrix code to include order kwarg (#2327) - Handle cases for label2rgb where input labels are negative and/or nonconsecutive (#2370) - Added watershed_line parameter (#2393) API Changes ----------- - Remove deprecated ``filter`` module. Use ``filters`` instead. (#2023) - Remove ``skimage.filters.canny`` links. Use ``feature.canny`` instead. (#2024) - Removed Python 2.6 support and related checks (#2033) - Remove deprecated {h/v}sobel, {h/v}prewitt, {h/v}scharr, roberts_{positive/negative} filters (#2159) - Remove deprecated ``_mode_deprecations`` (#2156) - Remove deprecated None defaults in ``rescale_intensity`` (#2161) - Parameters ``ntiles_x`` and ``ntiles_y`` have been removed from ``exposure.equalize_adapthist`` - The minimum NumPy version is now 1.11, and the minimum SciPy version is now 0.17 Deprecations ------------ - clip_negative will be set to false by default in version 0.15 (func: dtype_limits) (#2228) - Deprecate "dynamic_range" in favor of "data_range" (#2384) - The default value of the ``circle`` argument to ``radon`` and ``iradon`` transforms will be ``True`` in 0.15 (#2235) - The default value of ``multichannel`` for ``denoise_bilateral`` and ``denoise_nl_means`` will be ``False`` in 0.15 - The default value of ``block_norm`` in ``feature.hog`` will be L2-Hysteresis in 0.15. - The ``threshold_adaptive`` function is deprecated. Use ``threshold_local`` instead. - The default value of ``mode`` in ``transform.swirl``, ``resize``, and ``rescale`` will be "reflect" in 0.15. For a complete list of contributors to this release, and PRs merged, please see the online release notes: https://github.com/scikit-image/scikit-image/blob/master/doc/release/release... Enjoy!
participants (1)
Juan Nunez-Iglesias