scikits.image sprints at EuroScipy and SciPy 2011

Hi everyone Just a heads-up about two upcoming scikits.image sprints. The first will be at SciPy 2011, held in Austin, Tx from 11 to 16 July. Then, we'll do the same at the EuroSciPy conference from 25 to 28 August in Paris. Thank you to Emmanuelle Guillart for taking care of the arrangements! At EuroSciPy, we'll be in the room next to the scikits.learn guys, so there should be some great cross-pollination and collaboration happening. If you're around, come and join us to finalise the 3.0 release! Here are the important dates again: * SciPy: July 11 - July 16 2011, Austin, Tx * EuroSciPy: August 25 - 28 2011, Paris Regards Stéfan

Hi, about the Euroscipy sprint, it would be possible to have rooms at the Ecole Normale Superieure also on the days before the conference (Tuesday August 23rd and Wednesday 24th, I think the scikits.learn guys plan to work on these two days). If some of you can make it to Paris before the start of the conference, then we'll have more time to work on the scikit. The other possibility is to work in the evening and/or skip lectures, but as an organizer of Euroscipy, this is not an option for me :-). Cheers, Emmanuelle On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 04:49:23PM +0200, St�fan van der Walt wrote:
Hi everyone
Just a heads-up about two upcoming scikits.image sprints.
The first will be at SciPy 2011, held in Austin, Tx from 11 to 16 July.
Then, we'll do the same at the EuroSciPy conference from 25 to 28 August in Paris. Thank you to Emmanuelle Guillart for taking care of the arrangements! At EuroSciPy, we'll be in the room next to the scikits.learn guys, so there should be some great cross-pollination and collaboration happening.
If you're around, come and join us to finalise the 3.0 release!
Here are the important dates again:
* SciPy: July 11 - July 16 2011, Austin, Tx * EuroSciPy: August 25 - 28 2011, Paris
Regards St�fan

Hello, are we sprinting before Euroscipy, eventually? If people are up for sprinting, we have rooms and Internet access on Tuesday 23 and Wednesday 24. There will also be rooms available during the conference (25-28), but this gives less time because we all want to attend to the talks, don't we ;-)? So, who is available for sprinting? Let's start: I'm free on Tuesday 23rd and Wednesday 24th; I'll have much less time during the conference itself, being one of the organizers. Cheers, Emmanuelle On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 04:49:23PM +0200, St�fan van der Walt wrote:
Hi everyone
Just a heads-up about two upcoming scikits.image sprints.
The first will be at SciPy 2011, held in Austin, Tx from 11 to 16 July.
Then, we'll do the same at the EuroSciPy conference from 25 to 28 August in Paris. Thank you to Emmanuelle Guillart for taking care of the arrangements! At EuroSciPy, we'll be in the room next to the scikits.learn guys, so there should be some great cross-pollination and collaboration happening.
If you're around, come and join us to finalise the 3.0 release!
Here are the important dates again:
* SciPy: July 11 - July 16 2011, Austin, Tx * EuroSciPy: August 25 - 28 2011, Paris
Regards St�fan

Hey, Emmanuelle! On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 3:07 AM, Emmanuelle Gouillart <> wrote:
are we sprinting before Euroscipy, eventually? If people are up for sprinting, we have rooms and Internet access on Tuesday 23 and Wednesday 24. There will also be rooms available during the conference (25-28), but this gives less time because we all want to attend to the talks, don't we ;-)? So, who is available for sprinting?
I'll definitely be there. I think one of the main aims of the sprint for me will be to - Merge and test Pieter Holtzhausen's GSoC changes - Add tools for easy writing of tutorials (we'll borrow from nipy, perhaps) - Fill out the MATLAB compatibility chart that Kyle Mandli implemented at SciPy2011 - Prepare for the release of 0.3
Let's start: I'm free on Tuesday 23rd and Wednesday 24th; I'll have much less time during the conference itself, being one of the organizers.
I'll definitely be there those days as well. I'm teaching during the conference, but apart from that I'll work on this and IPython. Regards Stéfan
participants (2)
Emmanuelle Gouillart
Stéfan van der Walt