Re: [scikit-image] Releasing 0.14

I would really, really like for us to have flood fill in this release. Particularly if it's going to be the last with some backwards compatibility. It would help with tutorials - actually the panorama tutorial is now broken without it without an acceptable workaround other than shipping a flood fill with the tutorial - and is so basic yet essential we have very little excuse to still be lacking this. There was discussion about implementing it recently, but I think that's still pending. I will make a PR with a basic, 2D uint8 flood fill in Cythob by tomorrow. There are definitely improvements that can be made in speed & generalization, but let's at least have the very basic algorithm in 0.14 so we can backport improvements. Josh On Mon, May 21, 2018, 09:46 Egor Panfilov <> wrote:
Hi Juan,
Yes, I'm still willing to be a release manager. I agree with you that, despite having a moderate list of open issues [softly] scheduled for 0.14, we should go ahead and make a release. The master branch holds a ton of fascinating additions, and it is way far ahead of 0.13.1 already.
My suggestion would be to wait couple of days so that the maintainers could review 0.14 milestone and catch up with the issues they consider critical for 0.14. Once everything is set, we (I might need your assistance, @jni :)) can make a release (this Thursday or Friday).
Regards, Egor
пн, 21 мая 2018 г. в 15:57, Juan Nunez-Iglesias <>:
Hello list,
Tomorrow I am going to do one last pass at the 0.14 milestone and then release 0.14. As a reminder, 0.14.x will be a LTS release, the last skimage version compatible with Python 2.7, and it will receive important backports (bug fixes, critical performance improvements, and maybe even a new feature or two, based principally on community demand).
Given how long we have been planning this release, I think we have reached the point where we should release what we have rather than hold it up for every last PR that we want in it. Many users have requested this release, and it is particularly important for our Windows users that may not have a complete developer toolchain to build from source, and have a difficult time accessing the features that have made it onto master in the past year.
If you have any strong objections to pushing this out, please voice them now.
Egor, you twice mentioned wanting to be release manager for this release. (Sorry that I was not more available to help on those occasions.) I’m happy to let you do this one if you still want to, but I’m also happy to do it myself. Let me know your preference.
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