Hi scikit-image folks, the deadline for submitting abstracts for talks and posters has been extended for Euroscipy 2015, to May 15. Euroscipy 2015 will be in Cambridge UK this year, from August 26 to 29 (see https://www.euroscipy.org/2015/). If you're using scikit-image for your work and you would like to share with the community the tools you develop, the usage patterns that you find interesting, or to illustrate how scikit-image can be used for applications, Euroscipy is a great opportunity! Euroscipy has always been a great conference, with a welcoming and enthusiastic atmosphere. Tutorials sessions are organised for attendees of different levels, from beginner to more advanced Pythonistas. Another nice thing of the conference is the mixture of people from academic labs, industry and start-ups: it's a great place to meet interesting people that are using the same tools, in different backgrounds and applications. This year, Juan and myself are submitting an intermediate-level tutorial about scikit-image. We cannot guarantee yet that it will be accepted, of course, but let's keep fingers crossed :-). We'll also organize a sprint on scikit-image (probably on Sunday 30, after the conference). So, please consider submitting an abstract, or just attending the conference! Also spread the word around you (you may for example retweet https://twitter.com/EGouillart/status/594073076452696066) ! Cheers, Emma
participants (1)
Emmanuelle Gouillart