Re: [scikits-image] Harris corner detection (#106)

On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 12:50 PM, Varoquaux <
I fixed a few things, and added the parameter to set the deviation for the gaussian blur. I also added @GaelVaroquaux as a contributor, as he helped me debug the patch.
I'll now work on the panorama stitching example.
I just read through the PR for Harris corner detection<>. I made some inline comments on github, but I wanted to raise a question the list. It seems that everything in the `harris` function is essentially a peak detection algorithm. (Please correct me if I'm wrong or if the algorithm is specific to the Harris response.) It might be nice to make `_compute_harris_response` a public function (maybe renamed to `harris_response` or `harris`) and move the rest of `harris` to the detection subpackage as a peak detection function. We could really use a (or multiple) peak detection function(s) in skimage (e.g. with the hough transform or template matching). -Tony
participants (1)
Tony Yu