Surface Curvature from Range Images (or Depth Maps)

I have implemented mean and gaussian curvature methods in python and thought they may be appropriate for inclusion to skimage. An outline of the code is provided below. It assumes a surface defined as a function of two coordinates, e.g. z = Z(x, y). The curvature calculations are from the following two papers * Kurita, T., & Boulanger, P. (1992). Computation of Surface Curvature from Range Images Using Geometrically Intrinsic Weights. In /MVA/ (pp. 389-392). * Zhao, C., Zhao, D., & Chen, Y. (1996, August). Simplified Gaussian and mean curvatures to range image segmentation. In /Pattern Recognition, 1996., Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on/ (Vol. 2, pp. 427-431). IEEE. If appropriate let me know and I will read the contribution/development documentation, make the code more robust and submit formally. Regards, Michael. -- Here is a basic outline of the code (H and K are used as they appear common terms used in the literature) : ---------------BEGIN CODE-------------- import numpy as np Zy, Zx = np.gradient(Z) Zxy, Zxx = np.gradient(Zx) Zyy, _ = np.gradient(Zy) # Mean Curvature - equation (3) from Kurita and Boulanger (1992) paper # See also Surface in 3D space, H = (1 + (Zx ** 2)) * Zyy + (1 + (Zy ** 2)) * Zxx - 2 * Zx * Zy * Zxy H = H / ((2 * (1 + (Zx ** 2) + (Zy ** 2))) ** 1.5) # Gaussian Curvature - equation (4) from Kurita and Boulanger (1992) paper K = (Zxx * Zyy - (Zxy ** 2)) / ((1 + (Zx ** 2) + (Zy **2)) ** 2) # Simplified Mean Curvature - equation (3) from Zhao (1996) paper H = Zxx + Zyy # Simplified Gaussian Curvature - equation (3) from Zhao (1996) paper K = Zxx * Zyy - (Zxy ** 2) ---------------END CODE--------------

Dear Michael On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 3:19 PM, Brickle Macho <> wrote:
I have implemented mean and gaussian curvature methods in python and thought they may be appropriate for inclusion to skimage. An outline of the code is provided below. It assumes a surface defined as a function of two coordinates, e.g. z = Z(x, y). The curvature calculations are from the following two papers
Thank you for your post, and sorry for not responding earlier: I was hoping someone more knowledgeable would jump in. Since I am not that person, would you mind explaining to me the gist of this work, and what it aims to do, perhaps with some example images? Thanks! Stéfan
participants (2)
Brickle Macho
Stéfan van der Walt