Re: Imshow and Linescan - first version

2012/3/16 Stéfan van der Walt <>
And I'll move this into scikits-image org as soon as I know what name to
On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 5:44 PM, Tony Yu <> wrote: put
it under. I'm not sure how I feel about `skloupe`---as always there's the pronunciation issue. `skoupe`... that's a stretch. `sciloupe`? Based on pypi, `loupe` is available (it turns out there's a django-loupe project), but then there's the branding issue. `loupepy` or `louppy` (pyloupe is taken)? Too cutesy, maybe. `pypeye` (python picture eyer---that's not a word). Some bikeshedding would actually be welcome here.
Well, skimage.viewer is still available :) And there it will also get installed everywhere skimage does; but you know all the pros and cons of maintaining a separate package already.
Oh, I guess I was artificially constraining myself to io.plugins. This sounds like a good idea to me. Are there any cons to this? Possible Con ------------------------ Someone mentioned a while back that it would be a good idea to keep skimage focused on the basic toolset, and then a separate package could build off of it. Counter-argument: This infrastructure (so far, at least) is fairly lightweight, and I imagine the biggest area of growth would be the plugins---most of which would just provide an interactive interface to skimage functions. ------------------------ Possible Con ------------------------ Moving this to skimage.viewer kind of marginalizes the other plugins. Counter-argument: skimage would provide the simplest possible interface for adding interactivity (taking advantage of Matplotlib tools for plotting histograms, etc and its support for multiple gui toolkits). A separate project would be ideal for gui-toolkit--specific viewers (which could potentially be significantly fast) since it would likely take more code to do some of these things (I could be wrong about this). Also, I assume more people using skimage would know matplotlib over any specific backend. ------------------------ I'd like to come to some sort of consensus, if possible, so please---if you *any* opinions on this---let your voice be heard. -Tony
participants (1)
Tony Yu