Just added a PR (#715<https://github.com/scikit-image/scikit-image/issues/715>) to allow computation of signed orientations in HoG. Minor feature, really, and perhaps not all that useful given that there is a substantial revision proposed to the HoG code in PR #703. All the PR proposes to do is to pull out the 180 degree constant into a separate variable and initialize it based on whether orientations should be signed or not.

Github is reporting that "The Travis CI build could not complete due to an error." - the problem seems to be a timeout. Python 2.7 was fine (took 26 minutes), but Python 3.2 timed out at 50 minutes. My sense is that the timeout has nothing to do with my changes, any suggestions? On Monday, August 26, 2013 1:01:38 PM UTC-4, angelatlarge wrote:
Just added a PR (#715<https://github.com/scikit-image/scikit-image/issues/715>) to allow computation of signed orientations in HoG. Minor feature, really, and perhaps not all that useful given that there is a substantial revision proposed to the HoG code in PR #703. All the PR proposes to do is to pull out the 180 degree constant into a separate variable and initialize it based on whether orientations should be signed or not.
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