Re: Produce overlay between original image and labelled objects

Hi, you could also have a look at the following example: Johannes Schönberger Am 08.11.2012 um 10:30 schrieb Frank <>:
I want to use Python and scikit image for detection, counting and measuring cells from digital pictures. So far most of the things I want to do work fine: I just use a global threshold which separates my cells well from the background. After labelling the thresholded objects the regionprops function provides many of the features I am interested in (area, centroid etc). To be completely satisfied, I would like to produce an overlay between the original image and the identified objects after thresholding for error checking. I searched a while to find the proper function to do so and then encountered the mark_boundaries function. However, that one is not working, because the function is not found after importing the skimage.segmentation module (ImportError: cannot import name mark_boundaries). Do you have any suggestions, why it is not working? Or maybe you know a better way to achieve my goal?
Many thanks,
participants (1)
Schönberger Johannes