2011/4/11 Stéfan van der Walt <stefan@sun.ac.za>:
Hi Damian
2011/4/5 Damian Eads <eads@soe.ucsc.edu>:
Nice work. Connected components is a very useful algorithm. Can you clarify your definition of neighbouring? Does it apply to pixels diagonal to one another (8 connectivity) or not (4 connectivity)?
Thanks for the comments! Currently, I use 8-connectivity. Should I make 4-connectivity an option, or simply document that?
2011/4/11 Damian Eads <eads@soe.ucsc.edu>:
No problem! :) Whether you should implement 4-connectivity as an option is up to you. I just wasn't sure which one the implementation was using so documenting it would help. :)
Great, I updated the docstring and merged. I personally prefer 8-connectivity because it is slightly more rotationally invariant. Regards Stéfan
participants (1)
Stéfan van der Walt