Re: Get border pixels of labelled region

hi juan.... i can't understand array after using find_contour which return a ndarray. it is main prob i wanna find out contour array. On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 6:07 AM, Juan Nunez-Iglesias <>wrote:
Hi Payal,
I think we're getting somewhere. =) Thanks for the image.
Questions: 1) Are you looking to segment out different cars? That is, do you want each car to have its own contour? With your current thresholding, you can see that the four cars on the right are all connected, so you would get a single contour of the whole blob, rather than a contour of each car. 2) I just saw the doc<>for bwboundaries. Do you want the interior holes of the objects to have its own contour, or do you want just a contour *around* each object and don't care about the interior? Also, do you care about parent/child object relationships? My guess is no to both these questions. For example, do you want a contour around the windshield of each car?
Note that when you do rgb2gray on a thresholded RGB image, you no longer have a binary image, but a grayscale image with levels 0, 0.333, 0.667, and 1.0. I think you probably mean to do rgb2gray followed by threshold.
Either way, my suspicion is that you want to segment the cars first (get one binary blob object per car), then find their contours. Am I right?
On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 8:24 PM, Payal Gupta <>wrote:
hi Juan... i have done it.... :) :) plz solve the contour problem. :( :( reply me
On Thursday, September 12, 2013 9:19:36 AM UTC+5:30, Juan Nunez-Iglesias wrote:
On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 2:58 AM, Payal Gupta <> wrote:
hello... i m also use this prog to count white pixel and black pixel bt i cant save an image and cant count the pixel. can you help me.
"white pixels" and "black pixels" will mean different things with different images. Can you send us a sample image?
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Payal Gupta