Re: problem with measure.label

This sounds like you may have conflicting Python installations. `conda` updating scikit-image successfully means you should have version 11.3 _somewhere_, but your PATH may still be preferentially finding a different Python/IPython different from the one your `conda` points to. Investigate this with `which python` to see what the system is doing when you ask for Python. Further instructions would probably best be obtained through the conda mailing list. On Saturday, June 13, 2015 at 3:37:56 PM UTC-5, Ji Zhou wrote:
I use conda to update scikit image package on mac. However after undating and restarting the kernel, the scikit image was still 0.10.1 on mac.
Interestingly, on my Windows machine, the same procedure has successfully update scikit image.
One thing I shall point out is that I tried to uninstall anaconda on my mac and was failed.
Ji On 13 Jun 2015 16:33, "Stefan van der Walt" <> wrote:
On 2015-06-13 06:50:03, Ji Zhou <> wrote:
I still cannot update the version of iPython notebook. Could you please give me a hand?
What do you mean by this? Do you mean that you cannot access the latest version of skimage? You'll have to restart your notebook kernel.
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Josh Warner