Announcement: scikit-image 0.14.2 ================================= This release handles an incompatibility between scikit-image and NumPy 1.16.0, released on January 13th 2019. It contains the following changes from 0.14.1: API changes ----------- - ``skimage.measure.regionprops`` no longer removes singleton dimensions from label images (#3284). To recover the old behavior, replace ``regionprops(label_image)`` calls with ``regionprops(np.squeeze(label_image))`` Bug fixes --------- - Address deprecation of NumPy ``_validate_lengths`` (backport of #3556) - Correctly handle the maximum number of lines in Hough transforms (backport of #3514) - Correctly implement early stopping criterion for rank kernel noise filter (backport of #3503) - Fix ``skimage.measure.regionprops`` for 1x1 inputs (backport of #3284) Enhancements ------------ - Rewrite of ``local_maxima`` with flood-fill (backport of #3022, #3447) Build Process & Testing ----------------------- - Dedicate a ``--pre`` build in appveyor (backport of #3222) - Avoid Travis-CI failure regarding ``skimage.lookfor`` (backport of #3477) - Stop using the ``pytest.fixtures`` decorator (#3558) - Filter out DeprecationPendingWarning for matrix subclass (#3637) - Fix matplotlib test warnings and circular import (#3632) Contributors & Reviewers ------------------------ - François Boulogne - Emmanuelle Gouillart - Lars Grüter - Mark Harfouche - Juan Nunez-Iglesias - Egor Panfilov - Stefan van der Walt