Hi John On Tue, Oct 10, 2006 at 07:48:04PM +0100, John Travers wrote:
As far as I can tell from the documentation (and the fitpack author's book) surfit shouldn't be used for interpolation. It is designed for smoothing scattered data. I say this as the reason I implemented the regrid function is because interp2d wouldn't work for my data. regrid does (and *is* designed for interpolation or smoothing of rectangular data). Can I suggest that interp2d uses regrid instead (or do people need to interpolate scattered data, in which case a different library alltogether would be required)?
I'm willing to work out the required patches to make these changes if people think I should.
As you say, we should probably use the function purpose written for a rectangular grid in interp2d. However, I wouldn't like to lose the ability to smooth scattered data. What do you mean by "or do people need to interpolate scattered data, in which case a different library altogether would be required"? Isn't that functionality currently exposed via the surface fitting algorithm? Regards Stéfan