Hi, I am new here, though have been a SciPy user for several years. I am working on solid state radiation detectors and often need to use the [Landau distribution](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distribuci%C3%B3n_de_Landau) to model my data. Since I could not find it in Python I implemented it myself (see here https://github.com/SengerM/landaupy). It is based on the Root implementation, still it is a "pure Python" version only using scipy and numpy. Now I would like to add it into SciPy so it is there for other people as well. I would like to do this myself mainly for two reasons, one is to give back a grain of salt to SciPy and the other is to actually contribute to a large open source project, which I've never done before but always wanted to. I am following the steps listed in the [contributor quickstart guide](https://scipy.github.io/devdocs/dev/dev_quickstart.html). I run into [an issue](https://github.com/scipy/scipy/issues/18390) which will hopefully be solved but while asking for help about that I was suggested to propose this feature here before sitting to work on it. Please let me know your thoughts. Kind regards, Matias.