On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 9:20 AM, <josef.pktd@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 5:17 AM, Gianfranco Durin <g.durin@inrim.it>wrote:
where func can be both "_general_function" and "_weighted_general_function", is not correct.
M = σ 2 I ok unit weights
M = W^(-1) your case, W has the estimates of the error covariance
M = σ 2 W^(-1) I think this is what curve_fit uses, and what is in (my) textbooks defined as weighted least squares
Do we use definition 2 or 3 by default? both are reasonable
3 is what I expected when I looked at curve_fit 2 might be more useful for two stage estimation, but I didn't have time to check the details
Ehmm, no, curve_fit does not use def 3, as the errors would scale with W, but they don't. By the way, it does not have the correct units.
''' The minimization of [image: $ \chi^{2}_{}$] above is sometimes called *weighted least squares* in which case the inverse quantities 1/*e*2 are called the weights. Clearly this is simply a different word for the same thing, but in practice the use of these words sometimes means that the interpretation of *e*2 as variances or squared errors is not straightforward. The word weight often implies that only the relative weights are known (``point two is twice as important as point one'') in which case there is apparently an unknown overall normalization factor. Unfortunately the parameter errors coming out of such a fit will be proportional to this factor, and the user must be aware of this in the formulation of his problem. ''' (I don't quite understand the last sentence.)
M = σ^2 W^(-1), where σ^2 is estimated by residual sum of squares from weighted regression.
W only specifies relative errors, the assumption is that the covariance matrix of the errors is *proportional* to W. The scaling is arbitrary. If the scale of W changes, then the estimated residual sum of squares from weighted regression will compensate for it. So, rescaling W has no effect on the covariance of the parameter estimates.
I checked in Greene: Econometric Analysis, and briefly looked at the SAS description. It looks like weighted least squares is always with automatic scaling, W is defined only as relative weights.
All I seem to be able to find is weighted least squares with automatic scaling (except for maybe some two-step estimators).
Curve_fit calculates
M = W \sigma^2 W^(-1) = \sigma^2
If I remember correctly (calculated from the transformed model) it should be:
the cov of the parameter estimates is s^2 (X'WX)^(-1) error estimates should be s^2 * W
where W = diag(1/curvefit_sigma**2) unfortunate terminology for curve_fit's sigma or intentional ? (as I mentioned in the other thread)
so it gives exactly the same results of case 1, irrespective the W's. This is why the errors do not scale with W.
Gianfranco _______________________________________________
Gianfranco, Can you please provide some Python and R (or SAS) code to show what you mean? In the linear example below, I get agreement between SAS and curve_fit with and without defining a weight. I do know that the immediate result from leastsq does not agree with values from SAS. Thus, with my limited knowledge, I consider that the documentation is correct. import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import curve_fit from scipy.optimize import leastsq x=np.array([200, 400, 300, 400, 200, 300, 300, 400, 200, 400, 200, 300], dtype=float) y=np.array([28, 75, 37, 53, 22, 58, 40, 96, 34, 52, 30, 69], dtype=float) w=np.array([0.001168822, 0.000205547, 0.000408122, 0.000205547, 0.001168822, 0.000408122, 0.000408122, 0.000205547, 0.001168822, 0.000205547, 0.001168822, 0.000408122]) sw=1/np.sqrt(w) def linfunc(x, a, b): return a + b*x popt, pcov = curve_fit(linfunc, x, y) wopt, wcov = curve_fit(linfunc, x, y, sigma=sw) Output: No weighted form usage of curve_fit which matches SAS: a= -11.25 with SE= 15.88585587 b=0.2025 with SE=0.05109428 Weighted form if I understand the difference between how weights need to be specified so the results match SAS: a= -12.91438 with SE= 11.09325 b=0.20831 with SE= 0.04342 Bruce