From the Wikipedia page, we see that the Q-function is equal to the Gaussian Survival function (scipy.stats.norm.sf) as well.

On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 4:54 AM, Eran Hof <> wrote:
Dear scipy devs 

If I may suggest, there is an interest in adding a new error function to the scipy special functions. The Q-function (see please, This function is of great interest and much in use within the communication engineering and error correcting coding communities. 

There is a 1:1 mapping from Q-function to erf function. However, in engineering, in contrast to statistics, most text book use the Q-function instead and this is the very first function a new to python engineer will try to look for. 

Also, the implementation is so fast, as Q(x) = 0.5 - 0.5 * erf (x / sqrt(2)). So why not having this function aboard? It will be used immediately by every communication engineer that adopts the scipy instead of Matlab.

Also, inverse is easily implemented as well since Qinv(y) = sqrt(2) erfinv(1-2y). 

I think this small contribution may be of great service.  

Your comments are much appreciated. Thanks.

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