Hi all, The current output of
help (linalg)
Is there any progress in implementing the matrix logarithm logm ? Has anyone written some functions concerning the generalized eigenvalue
is Linear algebra routines. Solving Linear Systems: inv --- Find the inverse of a square matrix solve --- Solve a linear system of equations det --- determinant of a matrix pinv --- Moore-Penrose pseudo inverse (using least-squares) pinv2 --- Moore-Penrose pseudo inverse (using SVD) lstsq --- Least-squares solve Matrix Factorizations: lu --- LU decomposition cholesky --- Cholesky factorization qr --- QR factorization schur --- Schur decomposition rsf2csf --- Real to complex schur form. norm --- vector and matrix norm eig --- eigenvectors and eigenvalues eigvals --- only eigenvalues svd --- singular value decomposition Matrix Functions expm --- exponential (using Pade approximation) cosm --- cosine sinm --- sine tanm --- tangent coshm --- hyperbolic cosine sinhm --- hyperbolic sine tanhm --- hyperbolic tangent funm --- arbitrary function problem (or even more general polynomial eigenvalue problems), that is A x = \lambda B x (\lambda^n A_n + \dots + \lambda A_1 + A_0) x = 0 Are there any iterative solvers (CG, GMRES, ...) ? Nils I am also looking for discrete and continuous wavelet transforms.