
My name is Brian Newsom and I am just beginning to use/work on the scipy library, specifically the quadpack within the integration pack. Because of the recursion and wrapping methods used now, running nquad (scipy 0.13) function is slow-the fortran and python are nested in a way that requires switching back and forth between the two often.  Ideally this inefficiency could be overcome by translating the main interface (quadpack.py) into fortran and just having a minimal python wrapper that is not used in the recursion.

First off, has anyone attempted (or is currently attempting) this?  Are there any major difficulties I should be wary of or is this unrealistic for any reason?  Additionally, I was curious if there are any computational advantages to using C or Fortran for this purpose within this library, either is a possibility in the case that one is strongly preferred. 

Otherwise, I am sure I will be full of questions in the near future with specific regards to the building and setup of these files within the scipy library.

Thank you,
Brian Newsom
