On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 6:38 PM, Dieter Werthmüller <dieter@werthmuller.org> wrote:Everyone,
I have a response from Takuya Ooura, appended below. He has no problem with it either, I just don't know if his response is explicit enough (again).
What do you think, is this enough?Hmm, it's slightly ambiguous. I would tend to say no, better to get a clear statement. It sounds like he's happy, so you just need to spell out exactly what you need him to say. Or you add a BSD-3 license and "Copyright Takuya Ooura" at the top of that file in your scipy fork, point him to it, and say "can you please agree to that exact text".Cheers,Ralf
========== START email correspondence with Takuya Ooura ==========
Subject: Re: cdgamma - license
From: Takuya Ooura <ooura@kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2016 21:31:01 +0900 (JST)
To: dieter@werthmuller.org
Dear Dieter Werthm üller,
Please use the modified version of cdgamma.f.
The license of my code is similar to the BSD-3-Clause license at present.
Takuya Ooura
Email : ooura@kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp
>Dear Takuya Ooura,
>Firstly thank you very much for making your code available on your website.
>I am writing to you regarding your cdgamma.f function. Andrew Hamilton
>used a modified version of it for his FFTLog, and got your written
>permission to distribute the modified version in his code.
>We would like to include FFTLog in the scientific library of the python
>programming language, SciPy, and with it the modified version of cdgamma.f.
>The copyright statement distributed with your code states
> Copyright(C) 1996 Takuya OOURA (email: ooura@mmm.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp).
> You may use, copy, modify this code for any purpose and
> without fee. You may distribute this ORIGINAL package.
>which makes it impossible for SciPy to include the modified version of
>cdgamma.f in FFTLog into their library, as the version in FFTLog is a
>MODIFIED version, and not the original version.
>Would it be possible that you could give SciPy the permission to
>distribute cdgamma.f under a permissive license? My suggestion would be
>the BSD-3-Clause license,
>But any other BSD or MIT compatible license would be fine as well.
>Thank you for your time and for making cdgamma.f available on your website.
>Best regards,
>Dieter Werthm üller
========== END email correspondence with Takuya Ooura ==========
On 08/10/16 15:04, Joshua Wilson wrote:
First, a warning: this is going to involve some fun. ;-) Before going
too far you should probably check that the different versions of the
complex Gamma functions use the same branch cuts, etc. Note that if you
want this to work in your external git repo you'll need to build against
scipy master.
Steps should be roughly:
-- Write a Cython script that wraps the Cython version of SciPy's
loggamma. See
https://scipy.github.io/devdocs/special.cython_special.html# module-scipy.special.cython_sp ecial
<https://scipy.github.io/devdocs/special.cython_special.html >#module-scipy.special.cython_ special
for info on cimporting loggamma.
-- Export the wrapper as a C function using these steps:
http://docs.cython.org/en/latest/src/userguide/external_C_co de.html#using-cython-declarati ons-from-c
<http://docs.cython.org/en/latest/src/userguide/external_C_c >ode.html#using-cython-declarat ions-from-c
-- Add the Cythonized C file to your setup and add an Interface block to
your Fortran code letting it know how to call the C function.
On Sat, Oct 8, 2016 at 1:11 PM, Dieter Werthmüller
<dieter@werthmuller.org <mailto:dieter@werthmuller.org>> wrote: <mailto:ralf.gommers@gmail.com <mailto:ralf.gommers@gmail.com
Thanks for your input. How could I include the Cython loggamma
function within my setup script, so that fftlog.f would pick it up?
Adjusting fftlog.f to pick up dfft*.f from
scipy/fftpack/src/dfftpack worked without problems. So if I could do
the same for loggamma, then the only new file would be fftlog.f, for
which we have the permission.
On 07/10/16 21:18, Joshua Wilson wrote:
Re log gamma: under the hood the SciPy versions are in C (real
and Cython (complex version), so linking them up with Fortran
code is
definitely doable.
On Fri, Oct 7, 2016 at 8:16 PM, Ralf Gommers
<ralf.gommers@gmail.com <mailto:ralf.gommers@gmail.com> >>> On Sat, Oct 8, 2016 at 1:58 PM, Dieter Werthmüller
<dieter@werthmuller.org <mailto:dieter@werthmuller.org> <mailto:dieter@werthmuller.org <mailto:dieter@werthmuller.org>>>
I wrote to Andrew Hamilton, and below is his answer. He has
basically no problem with it at all, I just don't know
if his
response is explicit enough.
I think my email was quite extensive, and I assume that
is as
much as we will get from him. I also do not expect him
to change
his on "13 Mar 1999, 21:17" from TeX translated website...
What do you think, is this enough?
Yes, that's perfectly fine. Thanks for clarifying that Dieter.
I also wrote to Takuya Ooura, and will let you know of his
response, if I get one. However, as there are other complex
logarithmic double precision gamma functions around, one
in scipy, this piece is not mission critical.
========== START email correspondence with Andrew Hamilton
Subject: Re: FFTLog - license
From: Andrew Hamilton <andrew.hamilton@colorado.edu
<mailto:andrew.hamilton@colorado.edu >do.edu
<mailto:andrew.hamilton@colorado.edu >>>
Date: 07/10/16 18:22
To: Dieter Werthmüller <dieter.werthmuller@gmx.ch
<mailto:dieter.werthmuller@gmx.ch >
<mailto:dieter.werthmuller@gmx.ch >>>
CC: Andrew.Hamilton@colorado.edu
<mailto:Andrew.Hamilton@colorado.edu >
<mailto:Andrew.Hamilton@colorado.edu <mailto:SciPy-Dev@scipy.org <mailto:SciPy-Dev@scipy.org>>
<mailto:Andrew.Hamilton@colorado.edu >>
I approve your adding the license language you suggest to
FFTLog, and making available the resulting package for
On 10/07/2016 03:42 PM, Dieter Werthmüller wrote:
> Dear Andrew,
> Please apologize me bothering you again.
> After I published the code to wrap your FFTLog for
Python I
thought that
> it would be much better if your FFTLog would make it
into the
> scientific library of Python. This would make your FFTLog
available to a
> much wider audience.
> I contacted the developers of SciPy
(http://scipy.org), and
they are
> interested in including your code. However, there is
one issue:
> licensing. Code that is published on the web without a
file is
> copyrighted under law, and SciPy can for this reason not
include your
> code into their library.
> All I ask for is if you could confirm to us by email
that we
are allowed
> to distribute your FFTLog under the BSD-3-Clause license:
> https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
<https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause >
<https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause >>
> The license is just a suggestion, any other BSD or MIT
> license would be fine as well. (For the same, legal
reasons we
> to publish a license file on your website too, but that is
> entirely up to you. It might, however, clarify things for
future visitors.)
> It would only affect your fftlog.f file, and the
changes you
made to
> cdgamma.f. I will write Takuya OOURA as well regarding the
> cdgamma.f-file, asking him the same favour. And the three
drfft*.f are
> already in the SciPy-library with the whole FFTPack.
> If you are interested why this issue arises, Jake
one of the
> developers of SciPy, wrote an interesting article
about the topic:
http://www.astrobetter.com/blog/2014/03/10/the-whys-and-hows -of-licensing-scientific-code/
<http://www.astrobetter.com/blog/2014/03/10/the-whys-and-how >s-of-licensing-scientific-code /
<http://www.astrobetter.com/blog/2014/03/10/the-whys-and-how s-of-licensing-scientific-code /
<http://www.astrobetter.com/blog/2014/03/10/the-whys-and-how >>s-of-licensing-scientific-code /
> Thank you again for your time and for making FFTLog
> Best regards,
> Dieter
========== END email correspondence with Andrew Hamilton
On 07/10/16 15:13, Ralf Gommers wrote:
On Sat, Oct 8, 2016 at 9:11 AM, Ralf Gommers
<mailto:ralf.gommers@gmail.com> <mailto:ralf.gommers@gmail.com
<mailto:ralf.gommers@gmail.com>>>> wrote:
On Sat, Oct 8, 2016 at 8:59 AM, Dieter Werthmüller
<mailto:dieter@werthmuller.org> <mailto:dieter@werthmuller.org
<mailto:dieter@werthmuller.org>>>> wrote:
Thanks for the clarification. I will try to
get the
from the
What is regarded as sufficient? Is an email
from the
me/SciPy to distribute their code with a
BSD-style license
sufficient? Or do they necessarily have to
the websites where
they host the code to include the license?
An email stating that the code can be
distributed under
license (or MIT or other compatible license) is
Some delay on the line, missed Jake's answer. Email is
enough, but a
change in the repo would of course be even better.
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