Hi David,
I'm sure you mean (for it's the nature of this list, is it not, that we all have free rein to be as diplomatic, or not, as we wish) something along the lines of: if you tone it down a bit and make it less personal, i.e., be a bit more 'diplomatic,' then people are more likely to take you seriously.
Sorry - I should have replied to the earlier thread after starting this one. I think that is indeed Charles' point, that the best thing to do, is to identify the general problem, where the problem does not start with 'if only X would not ...' but is more on the lines of 'there must be a problem in our process because the following things happen fairly often ... ' That's what I am trying to do with this thread. I think we have structural problem in organization, where it is not clear what the process for code maintenance is. I think many people believe that we need such a process, but, given we do not have one, it is inevitable that things like this (significant portions of untested code suddenly appearing in trunk) are going to happen. What we need is a ) agreement that there is problem and b) an idea of how to go forward. I think it's also obvious that that conversation has to happen in public and on record so we can all have our say and agree. I'm sure it's possible to do that. And - Travis (sorry - I am sure you are doing more enjoyable things for Memorial day) - of course it's essential that you join in with and / or lead that conversation. See y'all, Matthew