Hi David, Hi Jim,
> I am new to SciPy-dev. Will the dense output option in scipy.integrate.ode
> become available in 0.17.0? This is a feature already available in the
> original FORTAN, but wasn't implemented in the wrapper.
If the feature is sent as a pull request against the scipy master
branch, the PR is reviewed by the maintainers of the integrate package
and merged into master before the release split, then yes, it would be
available in 0.17.0.
So far I do not see any progress towards it.
> I wrote these dense output extensions that you listed:
> https://github.com/jddmartin/scipy/tree/dense_output_from_dopri5_and_dop853
> https://github.com/jddmartin/dense_output_example_usage
> but I didn't issue any pull request to scipy. I sent this message to the
> scipy developers list:
> http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.scientific.devel/19635/
> explaining the changes. I was hoping for some feedback before issuing a
> pull request.
Ah, I see that the email likely fell through the cracks back in April.
Sorry about that.
You might want to ping that email thread once more or send a pull
request on github (or both).
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