"PP" == Pearu Peterson <pearu@cens.ioc.ee> writes:
PP> Just from a curiousity I tried your test also using Fortran PP> and here are the results (now comparing only cxx and Fortran): [snip] PP> So, using Fortran you get speed up approx. _two_ times PP> compared to cxx!!! If one would use optimized blas and PP> laplack functions, the speed up could be even greater. PP> Below is the testing code that I used. Here is how I used it, PP> step by step, to illustrate that using Fortran from python is PP> very simple: Sorry for the delayed response. I was out for most of the day. Your example is pretty awesome! Thanks! f2py is really very cool! I'll include this example also in my test script. One point to note is that my cxx example was pretty straight forward. I'm pretty sure that there might be ways to improve the speed. I'll try and see if I can get that done. I think it would be very nice if there were a way to write inline fortran code and use f2py to generate the code on the fly and then also use weave's catalog etc. to handle this transparently. I guess that this should not be hard to do since f2py seems to do most of the dirty work. If Eric could do it for C++ I guess Fortran should be very easy for him. :) I know too little of f2py or weave to actually write this but FWIW here is some pseudo code that is a start. I looked at inline briefly and it looks like the following does something like what it does. def magic_generate_cf2py(in_=[], out=[], in_out=[], hide=[]): d = {'in': in_, 'out':out, 'in,out': in_out, 'hide':hide} cf2py = "" for key, val in d.items(): if val: cf2py += 'cf2py intent(%s) :: '%key for i in val: cf2py += i + ', ' cf2py += '\n' return cf2py def inlinef(code, arg_names=[], local_dict=None, global_dict=None in_=[], out=[], in_out=[], hide=[]): # check if already catalogued. If so simply return catalogued # func. function = magic_check_catalog(code) if function: return function # figure out the type of the args and add the declarations at the # top. declare = magic_declare_headers() # get local dict and global dict local_dict, global_dict = magic_code() # get arg list. args = "" for name in arg_names: args += name + ", " # get cf2py stuff cf2py = magic_generate_cf2py(in_, out, in_out, hide) f_code = """c Inline Fortran code. subroutine func_call(%(args)s) %(declare)s %(cf2py)s %(code)s"""%locals() # write fortran code to file and run f2py on it. file = open(file_name, "w") print >> file, header os.system("f2py -c %s -m %s"%(file_name, mod_name)) # load the module and get the function. function = magic_load_func() # catalog the function for future use. magic_catalog(code, function) return function prabhu