Nils Wagner wrote:
Okay, here are some pending tickets.
http://projects.scipy.org/scipy/scipy/ticket/591 can be closed. It is fixed in svn.
The patch attached to
works for me. IMHO the ticket #593 can be closed, when the patch is applied in the trunk. However a test would be nice.
Duplicate of ticket #641 http://projects.scipy.org/scipy/scipy/ticket/642
#647 and #648 can be combined.
#662, #663, #664, #665 are duplicates
#672, #673, #674 are duplicates
Thanks, I closed the dup, and also added a report on scipy trac to track open tickets with attachments (I have not taken a look at 593).
P.S. There are still some annoying test errors/failures in current svn
Yes. I may take a look at some of those later today, cheers, David