
We've had some good discussion on Github PR 3991 regarding namedtuple output.

Warren raised the important issue of maintaining consistent names for the same stats across the module, ie, 'pvalue' versus 'p_value', or 'standard_errror'. I went through most of the scipy.stats module and wrote down some suggestions for what the attributes of the returned namedtuples could be. My notes can be found below.

Feedback welcome for these names.


The pattern returned for each element of bayes_mvs is important because it is an estimate with confidence interval. It might be even be worth exposing this one publicly.

bayes_mvs: mean, variance, std_dev
    (center, (lower, upper)) -> estimate, minmax

describe: n, minmax, mean, variance, skewness, exc_kurtosis
mode: mode, count
sigmaclip: clipped, lower, upper
linregress: slope, intercept, rvalue, pvalue, stderr
anderson: stat, critical_vals, sig_level

Note `shapiro` doesn't follow the pattern below

normaltest: stat, pvalue
skewtest: stat, pvalue
kurtosistest: stat, pvalue
f_oneway: stat, pvalue
ttest_1samp: stat, pvalue
ttest_ind: stat, pvalue
ttest_rel: stat, pvalue
kstest: stat, pvalue
ks_2samp: stat, pvalue
power_divergence: stat, pvalue
mannwhitneyu: stat, pvalue
ranksums: stat, pvalue
wilcoxon: stat, pvalue
kruskal: stat, pvalue
friedmanchisquare: stat, pvalue
ansari: stat, pvalue
bartlett: stat, pvalue
levene: stat, pvalue

spearmanr: correlation, pvalue
pointbiserialr: correlation, pvalue
kendalltau: correlation, pvalue

cumfreq: cumcount, lowerlimit, binsize, extrapoints
histogram: count, lowerlimit, binsize, extrapoints
relfreq: frequency, lowerlimit, binsize, extrapoints

binned_statistic: stat, bin_edges, binnumber
binned_statistic_2d: stat, x_edge, y_edge, binnumber
binned_statistic_2d: stat, bin_edges, binnumber