"PP" == Pearu Peterson <pearu@cens.ioc.ee> writes:
PP> 1) Build fortran wrapper: f2py -c flaplace.f -m flaplace # PP> here you need f2py from CVS I've been having a hard time getting my version of f2py (2.5.391) to do this but cant seem to get it right. Does f2py 2.5.393 have this feature or is the CVS version absolutely necessary? PP> As a result you'll get flaplace.so in the current directory. Also what about the transposing of the arrays?? Eric was talking about transposing the array. I quickly read some of your examples and internally you seem to do the necessary adjustments (swapping n and m) to get the right array, right? If so, technically the result of your fortran code should be identical to the c++ version? Please remember that the order of execution is important, i.e. the array must be accessed in the same sequence if not the intermediate step results will be different. However, both versions will converge but I'm just curious about the intermediate steps too. My apologies if these questions sound dumb but I come from a C background with very little fortran experience. I'll learn fortran soon though, not because its faster but because I believe that its worth knowing. prabhu