On Tue, Apr 24, 2018 at 11:36 AM, Aditya Bharti <adibhar97@gmail.com> wrote:
Regarding building the documentation, I was able to figure out that I needed to install sphinx separately. The HACKING.rst.txt file only mentions Numpy Cython and pytest as dependencies.
I was able to get the make command running with `make html PYVER=3.5`, but I'm getting the follwing error:
Could not import extension numpydoc (exception: cannot import name 'Directive')

I'm sure I have the extension installed, since it's listed in the sphinx directory. Any idea what the problem is?

There seems to be something wrong with your install of either Sphinx or numpydoc. If it's missing completely, the traceback says:

  Could not import extension numpydoc (exception: No module named 'numpydoc')

rather than complaining about "Directive". Possibly a mixup with versions? Also note that you're saying that you see numpydoc in the sphinx directory - did you mean in site-packages instead? That's where it should be:

In [1]: import numpydoc

In [2]: numpydoc.__file__
Out[2]: '/home/rgommers/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpydoc/__init__.py'


On 24 April 2018 at 21:51, Ralf Gommers <ralf.gommers@gmail.com> wrote:

On Tue, Apr 24, 2018 at 8:40 AM, Eric Larson <larson.eric.d@gmail.com> wrote:
  1. Since this project will include documentation, I'm trying to build the docs. However, from the Makefile at scipy/doc it appears that python3.6 is required, whereas only python3.5 is available for my platform (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS). I generally try to avoid adding third-party repos unless absolutely required, so I am asking for help here. Is installing python3.6 the only solution, or will changing the PYVERS variable in the Makefile work?
I suspect 3.5 should work once you get it to use your Python binaries. I doubt we have anything that is Python-3.6 specific (though there very well be some Python 3-isms that will not work on 2.7).

There's a PYVER=3.6 at the top of the Makefile. Simply doing `make html PYVER=3.5` should build the docs with your 3.5 install (if not, change that one line in the Makefile to say 3.5).


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