"eric" == eric <eric@scipy.org> writes:
eric> I've rewritten the code in C++ as quickly as I know how and eric> added a few optimizations. It has the same errors as the eric> previous example, but, again, is useful for eric> benchmarking. (maybe Prabhu will fix my bugs in this code eric> also. :) The results are as follows: Yes, I'll try to fix this one also. I'll stop with this though. I hope no one decides to send in an inline assembler comparison. ;) eric> Blitz indexing: Iterations took 3.54500007629 seconds. eric> After re-write: iterations took 1.77300000191 seconds. eric> I think it used to be, but the recent years have been kinder eric> to C than Fortran. Among other things, market forces have eric> pushed C/C++ compilers to evolve more quickly than Fortran eric> compilers simply because more people are interested in fast eric> C/C++ compilers. The result is that C/C++ can be made to eric> execute algorithms at close to the same speed as Fortran in eric> most cases -- at least that has been my experience. As for eric> gcc and g77, I think only the front ends of the compilers eric> are different. The same back-end is shared by both. I also think that it is a known fact that if one uses something like blitz++ can acheive speed as good if not better than Fortran. eric> the above reasons are valid. Scientist are interested in eric> the fastest way to results -- not in writing elegant, full eric> featured, re-usable, scriptable programs. For one or more eric> of the above reasons, some still consider Fortran their best eric> choice to optimize this interest. Other scientist choose eric> Matlab or IDL or even C. Hopefully we can increase the eric> share that see Python+Numeric+SciPy+f2py+weave as a good eric> choice also. Yes. Unfortunately, dylan is not as complete or mature as Python is. To me it seems the best possible approach where you can rapidly prototype and later speed up your code all in the same language. eric> This thread definitely needs to get summarized and put into eric> a web page. Well, I'll work on a draft sometime next week and send it to you folks. Meanwhile I'm stuck pretty bad on f2py. Yeah, this discussion might not belong here but I need to get Pearu's example working if I am to include it. More on that later. prabhu