Hi With the recent API cleanup in numpy SVN, it seems matrixmultiply() has been removed. I know that dot() does the same thing, but I prefer to use matrixmultiply() since it makes my code easier to understand. Whenever I read dot() I think only of the inner product of two vectors. Also, I'd expect dot() to be a commutative operation, which matrix multiplication is not. Can I make an appeal for matrixmultiply()'s life? I can offer some anecdotal evidence in support for matrixmultiply()'s life: I was a tutor at the recent Py4Science workshop held at Stellenbosch (http://mentat.za.net/py4science/). It was fairly well attended by mathematicians and applied mathematicians, and while they were for the most part well impressed with Python/NumPy/SciPy I heard several of them mutter: "But it's not dot! Dot is for vectors!" when we were doing an example that involved matrix multiplication. I rather identify with them :) Regards Neilen