Hi all, 

The next SciPy Community Meeting will happen on Wednesday August 23 at 12pm (noon) UTC.

As an update, after our poll for the community meeting times, it looks like the 8pm UTC time on Wednesdays is still good, while the Europe/Asia call could be moved to 2pm UTC, so I'll try that next time.

Here's the hackmd we are using to take notes: https://hackmd.io/pyhudrC5TgSwdJtpPldHgQ

If you wish to join on Zoom, use this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/6345425936?pwd=aDVFQzVmbk9SVU5jU0Jwc0s3YWUrdz09

Our community calendar is also available here: https://scientific-python.org/calendars/
