Can PR #8357 please be considered for v1.1.0? It has been reviewed by several maintainers and contributors, it closes two issues, and has support of several users. Also it is tested, benchmarked, and documented. I believe I have addressed all comments from all reviewers, but please let me know if anyone has any more comments. Thanks so much!

On Tue, Apr 10, 2018, 1:05 PM Pauli Virtanen <> wrote:

2018-03-25 17:45 -0700, Ralf Gommers wrote:
> It's 5 months after the 1.0 release, so it's time to start planning
> for
> 1.1. There's still quite a few open issues and PRs marked for 1.1.0
> (see
>, but not many that seem
> blocking or really difficult to resolve. So I'd like to propose the
> following schedule:
> April 11: branch 1.1.x
> April 13: rc1
> April 27: rc2 (if needed)
> May 4: final release

Just a friendly heads up/reminder: staying roughly with the schedule
proposed earlier, I'll branch 1.1.x on this Thursday, and work towards
getting 1.1.0rc1 out during the weekend.

If there are features almost ready to be merged, there's a few days
before the branch point. After that, it's mainly bugfixes that'll get
to 1.1.0.

There are several feature PRs marked in the milestone and elsewhere
that in principle might use help with reviewing/status triaging ---
I've been working toward getting low-hanging ones in, but there are
several which I'm not sure about. Nothing seems blocking, though.

If there are blocking problems that need to be addressed currently in
master before 1.1.0, please remind about them (I'm not aware of such
issues though).


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