Hi Ray, Those changes look really useful! Stéfan van der Walt <stefan@sun.ac.za> (on this email list) and Matthew Brett <matthew.brett@gmail.com> (not on the list?) seem to be coordinating the matlab IO (at least, they were the ones who shepherded my recent patch to the same). I'm not 100% sure what the backwards-compatibility guarantees for scipy are right now, but the matlab 5 IO is pretty new, so hopefully useful changes like these won't be a problem. (Any one can say for sure?) One comment -- perhaps for objects, would a 0-d "array scalar" (i.e. shape=()) struct be better than a 1x1 struct? I'm not really sure either way... Anyhow, thanks for the patch. This should be very helpful. Best, Zach On Oct 1, 2008, at 11:52 AM, Thouis (Ray) Jones wrote:
I just submitted a patch (http://scipy.org/scipy/scipy/ticket/743) extending the functionality of io.matlab for v5 files, adding writers for structs, cell arrays, & objects, and readers+writers for function handles and 64-bit ints.
The patch modifies the numpy types of strings, structs, and objects loaded from matlab: matlab strings are loaded as numpy arrays of unicode strings, rather than numpy arrays of objects. structs are loaded as numpy arrays with dtype [(field_name, object), ...] matlab objects are wrapped in an mio5.MatlabObject instance, which contains a 1x1 struct & the object classname. (function handles are also wrapped in a special object in mio5.py)
These changes were to make the scipy<->matlab mapping more explicit. The changes to the string type probably don't break any existing code. The changes to the struct & matlab objects probably do. It's possible to make both of these backward compatible, if that's a priority. We're looking for feedback on that (or any other) issue.
Ray Jones _______________________________________________ Scipy-dev mailing list Scipy-dev@scipy.org http://projects.scipy.org/mailman/listinfo/scipy-dev