Hello everyone,

I've been accepted by Google summer of code this year.   I'm a junior at University of Michigan  Ann arbor studying physics.  I've been 'programming' since high school.  I began with some short programs in quickbasic.  after coming to college I've picked up python and been working with it for a couple years.  

I've helped maintain a python codebase for a research lab here and was one of two students that worked on porting it to Py3k.   My other programming projects have mostly involved additions to the codebase for labs I've worked for and an odd bugfix or patch for programs I use frequently.

I'm going to be spending the first part of the summer, getting familiar with the codebase for SciPy.Signal and doing some cleanup and bug hunting.   The second part will be focused on improving SciPy.signal and filling some of the gaps in functionality between SciPy.signal and matlab's signal processing toolbox.

I usually idle on freenode as gaurdro and aim as gaurdro1 if anyone wants to talk.

