[Sorry for a delayed response.] On Mon, 14 Jul 2003, [iso-8859-15] José Fonseca wrote:
I've make Debian packages of scipy and f2py. They are available from my apt-get repository at:
I referred to Joe Reinhardt's packages http://people.debian.org/~jmr/ but have done these packages from scratch. These come for all python versions in debian unstable (2.1, 2.2 and 2.3).
I've run the standard tests successfully but I'd appreciate that problems with these packages to be reported to me [privately] as I'd like to have these on Debian proper at some time.
One tricky issue I'd like to address with the scipy and f2py maintainers is the the scipy_distutils. Both scipy and f2py attempt to install to /usr/lib/python*/site-packages/scipy_distutils and at least on Debian this is not admissible so the packages conflict with each other and are mutually exclusive. This is particularly even more annoying for me, since for building scipy f2py is needed, so I need to install and uninstall them as a maniac. Is there any solution that allow both these packages to happily co-exist in a tree without overlapping?
This is a long lasting issue and several solutions have been proposed, see scipy mailing archives. The current solution for package installation of scipy,f2py,etc would be the following: 1) Get scipy,f2py and their dependencies from CVS: export CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous@scipy.org:/home/cvsroot cvs co scipy_core cvs co -d scipy world/scipy export CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous@cens.ioc.ee:/home/cvs cvs co f2py2e 2) Disable chaco (for simplicity), scipy_core packages in scipy/setup.py file by commenting out the following lines: separate_packages += core_packages separate_packages += chaco_packages 3) Disable scipy_distutils checkout in f2py2e/setup.py file by replacing the line if 'sdist' in sys.argv and not os.path.exists('other/scipy_distutils'): with if 0: 4) Create source tar-balls cd scipy_core python setup.py sdist cp dist/Scipy_core-*.tar.gz .. cd .. cd f2py2e cp dist/F2PY-*.tar.gz .. cd .. cd scipy python setup.py sdist cp dist/SciPy-*.tar.gz .. cd .. 5) Install scipy_core, f2py2e, scipy in the given order (now there are no overlaps in software installations): Unpack tar-ball sources. cd Scipy_core-* python setup.py install cd .. cd F2PY-* python setup.py install cd .. cd SciPy-* python setup.py install cd .. Let us know if such an approach is acceptable for debianizing scipy,f2py then we can consider simplifying steps 1-3). Other suggestions are welcome. Regards, Pearu