04.10.2011 01:22, Warren Weckesser kirjoitti: [clip]
I'm not sure this is relevant, but it sounds like it:
At the bottom of a pull request there is this:
""" Notifications for new comments on this Pull Request are *off*. Enable notifications for this Pull Request <https://github.com/scipy/scipy/issues/87/subscribe> """
Does anyone know what that link does?
That sounds relevant -- I guess it makes Github send you mail for each new comment. At least it seems to be turned on for the PRs for which I get mail. But this requires you to go and click through every new PR... In principle I can also 'watch' the projects I want to follow, and then grab the RSS feed of my Dashboard. However, since everything is pretty much jumbled together there, it's not so easy to follow. *** Another thing that was on the table at some point were automatic mails to the ML for new pull requests. I think GH doesn't offer support for this, but it could still be doable thanks to their API. -- Pauli Virtanen